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The Downley School

“Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together”

Class information

Welcome to The Downley School Reception Class area.


  • We aim to use the outdoor classroom as much as possible.
  • Please make sure your child comes to school with a named coat every day and, when needed, named gloves, hats etc.
  • Please make sure your child has a waterproof coat and wellies to be kept in school and please make sure these are labelled clearly.
  • We would also appreciate if you could ensure your child has a named change of clothes.

Food and drink:

  • The children are all provided with a healthy snack each day, if you decide to send your child in with a snack please ensure that it is a fruit or vegetable and inside their book bags, this ensures there is no confusion over what is for lunch and what is their snack.
  • Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle to school so that they have access to water throughout the day whenever they feel thirsty. This should be a clear bottle of plain water with a sports type lid. 
  • If your child is having a packed lunch, please ensure that this lunch does not contain any type of nuts or seeds and that any birthday sweets brought into school are also nut free. Sweets are always given to the children to take home, never eaten in school.
  • Please note there is a ban on kiwi fruit in school due to a child with a severe allergic reaction - please ensure your child's lunch or snack does not include this fruit.